Religious Studies - 2048


Past Papers

The Cambridge O Level Religious Studies schedule focuses on Christian origins. It encourages students to adopt a thoughtful strategy to the investigation of the life and educating of Jesus, as contained in the Gospel of Luke, and furthermore considers the foundation of the early church, as recorded in the Acts of the Apostles. Thus, students develop an enquiring and basic approach to the investigation of scriptural messages and can explore the religious, moral and historical questions raised. The prospectus is open to students of any religion (or none), and both the New International Version and the Revised Standard Version of the Bible are utilized for quotations.

O Level Academy provides Religious Studies - 2048 latest Past Papers and other resources that includes Syllabus, Specimens, Marking Schemes, Student’s Guide, Teacher’s Guide, Religious Studies - 2048 Notes (written by our qualified members) and useful tips to achieve highest marks. Past papers of Religious Studies - 2048 of 2017 Nov are available here. All the contents available here is absolutely free of cost presented into very handy manner. If you face any difficulty, we are always open for your suggestions.

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